Your personal oral hygiene plays an essential role in the long-term preservation of your dental health. We recommend healthy patients to thoroughly clean their teeth twice a day, which depends on the right brushing technique and the tools used.
If good results are achieved with the manual toothbrush, which we can confirm at our practice, you can proceed this way. However, electric toothbrushes perform movements that a manual toothbrush cannot achieve. Our dental team will gladly advise you on what’s best for you.
For brushing, we recommend fluoridated toothpaste since the fluoride strengthens the enamel. But because the fluoride content of toothpaste varies and what is acceptable from toddler to adult differs, you will receive detailed information and advice on what your best option is.
We encourage you to visit our dentistry bi-annually for dental checks. Periodontitis patients or those with implant-supported dentures are encouraged to visit more often. During these visits, we’ll give you an idea of the status of your dental health and take any necessary measures that the treatment of tooth decay or periodontitis serve or support the prevention of dental disease.
In addition to the clinical examination of your oral cavity, the professional cleaning of teeth, which is performed by specially trained staff, is an integral part of an effective oral care program.