White teeth do not just radiate a good deal of self-confidence; they usually make you look younger and attractive. With advancing age, stubborn discolorations develop on the teeth surface, which tends to draw negative stares that are embarrassing. Also, nicotine stains from smoking, prolonged drinking of coffee, black tea or red wine may lead to unsightly yellows or brown teeth staining. A discoloring effect can also develop from the use of certain drugs like tetracycline.
So what do you do to regain the coveted sparkling white teeth?
Whatever the cause, with our incredibly effective methods and safe active ingredients, we can now whiten your teeth in a flash! With a teeth bleaching, we can whiten your teeth by a few shades in one sitting without damaging your hard tooth substance.
Dental bleaching is harmless and very well tolerated by the enamel and gums since we adhere to the gentle and expert implementation of each step of the bleaching process.
Before use, it is important to exclude carious areas and leaking dental fillings to achieve the best result and protect your overall wellbeing. If dental defects are discovered, we will advise they are treated before whitening.